Motivational Graphic – Jahed Momand Quote
I know that I didn’t think I’d be posting much design stuff anymore. The truth is I don’t really foresee that happening much, but I wanted to include this. Even though, I’m no longer doing design for money, I still enjoy it. I even more enjoy the idea that I don’t have to hire out for most of my design work. The only way I do that these days is if
- it’s something I suck at, like logos
- it’s a time vampire
For me, getting into Photoshop and ‘pushing pixels’ as they say is quite fun and oftentimes a stress reliever. So yes, I still practice design, just not commercially.
I recently wrote an article on my fitness site titled How A Dating Coach Can Help You Build Muscle, Strength and Gain Confidence, and in it I included a quote I got from someone who’s become what I consider a good friend over the last few months. Jahed Momand gets all the credit for this one, and our various talks about training, diet, and philosophy is what actually spurred me to create this. Oh yeah, Jahed is also writing more frequently – check out his latest here.
I didn’t spend a ton of time on this image but for the time I invested, I’m really happy with out it turned out.
It also goes without saying that I love writing about the psychology of training and dieting and just the fitness lifestyle in general. For me, it gives me the idea that I’m actually making a contribution to the fitness world instead of bottling up ideas and trying to present them in a way that is simply much easier to understand than if you heard it from a nerdy exercise physiologist.
I even have this crazy notion of finishing my BA, and then moving to the east or west coast to pursue a degree in neuroscience at some point, but not so sure about that just yet.
The only way that will happen is when I can pay 100% for any university I wish to attend without the idea of ever going to work as a scientist. I just want to spend the time learning in the academic setting.
I’m rambling at this point.
One more thing – I’m thrilled to say this quote made it into the opening of my fitness course I’ll be releasing in the very near future. So to Jahed, thanks for the late night Facebook chats about Cyronics, meditation, rationality, religion, weightlifting and how to combat my adrenal fatigue. 🙂
Up next, I’ll have an update about how my daily meditations are going, what I’m learning, and some of the most random stuff I find myself thinking about…